Hip Bridges in the Bedroom


Hip Bridges in the Bedroom

Living rooms are misunderstood. For that matter, so are hotel rooms, or any sort of bedroom. Kitchens? Yeah, they’ve never been given enough credit either. Why do they only have to be the rooms of their namesake? Why can’t we look past the couches, beds, ovens, and chairs and see the true potential they all share. This great untapped potentiality, is the ability, to be a GYM.


The Transformation of Michael


The Transformation of Michael

Before we begin, I must admit that Michael is, in fact, not a transformer created by Michael Bay (sorry, we are nerds). While the lateral squat pictured above is fairly nice, I am sure he would be able to point out a few changes that could make it even better. That is because Michael is an A+ student here at Spindle and his motivation, attention to detail and consistency have brought him a serious transformation of his own. Let's take a closer look at some of Michael's accomplishments over the last year.

Michael started is journey on April 1st, 2015 with the following stat line:

We are not a company that uses fake lighting to try to show results that may or may not have happened. These are real photos from Michael!

We are not a company that uses fake lighting to try to show results that may or may not have happened. These are real photos from Michael!

Weight: 211.7lbs  Dry Lean Mass: 38.0lbs  Body Fat Mass: 71.2lbs (all data pulled from our InBody)

This stat line left him with an overall body fat percentage of 33.6%

While numbers are not the focal point of our coaching, they do help keep people accountable and keep the conversations honest.

Let's look at a few of Michael's main movements from month 1 to month 12 of his program.

Squats - In month 1, Michael was doing goblet squats in a rep range of 8-10 at a weight range of 8kg - 12kg (18-26lbs) with our kettlebells. By month 12, Michael's goblet squat was at or above 20kg (44lbs) and he was adding complexity with movements like double racked squats and heartbeat goblet squat.

Deadlifts - Michaels deadlift increased from a kettlebell deadlift at 12kg - 14kg (26lbs - 31lbs) (month 1) while learning the movement to a hex bar deadlift at 155lbs for the same amount of reps!

Pull Ups / Chin Ups - We began Michael's journey to Pull Ups on June 8th, 2015 with TRX Pull Ups for a max amount of reps (at the time, 3). On August 5th, we moved him to the bar for pull ups and chin ups with varying degrees of help through bands. He hit his first bodyweight chin up on December 1st, 2015! By March 25th, 2016 he was doing sets of 3.

Alongside Michael's increase in strength, he also increased his Functional Movement Systems (FMS) score. On April 1st, 2015 Michael began at 12 with a score of 1 on Hurdle Step, In Line Lunge and Trunk Stability Push Up. By July of 2015 he had scored a minimum of 2 on all of his screens with a total score of 15 and he only progressed from there.

Michael's final numbers on April 1st, 2016 (exactly one year from his start date):

Weight: 179.5lbs  Dry Lean Mass: 38.9lbs  Body Fat Mass: 35.7lbs (all data pulled from our InBody)

His body fat went from 33.6% to 19.9% and he lost over 30lbs while increasing his muscle mass (that is a loss of 35lbs of pure fat!!!)

We are obviously SUPER proud of Michael and all of his accomplishments during his first year at Spindle. Michael has been training at minimum 3x per week (usually 4-5 times) and always brings a fun personality with him to the facility. 

We look forward to analyzing more of our member's results and providing as much interesting insight into the training process as possible here at Spindle. If you'd like to learn more, please contact us at info@spindlefitness.com!

Q & A with Michael:

What is the hardest exercise or combination for you?

Honestly I think any exercise that completely isolates your core, i.e. TRX Saw's, are really the toughest to get through since 90% of the time you core is supporting you in everything else you do.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I would have to say the amount my body fat has been reduced. Its such a good feeling to be in a normal range. In a very close second it has to be the how drastically the shape of my body has changed and I look forward to the continued sculpting that Leah and I will accomplish together through my programs

What is the most important thing you have learned during your first year at Spindle?

Form. It definitely can't be stressed enough. It has really made me learn how my body is supposed to react not only to exercises but everyday activities like bringing the groceries in from the car.
